Amira Sereia is a tiny woodland Merfaerie from the coasts of southeast Alaska. She relocated to the mainland in Portland, Oregon to study dance and art. She is so grateful to share with you her own fusion of Tribal Bellydance, Liquid Dance, Ritual Theater, Hip hop, and much more…


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Workshop #1: Liquid Fusion Bellydance

  • We will be learning different ways to combine the dynamic, masculine movement quality of Hip Hop with the gooey femininity of Tribal Fusion Bellydance. We will explore different aspects of each dance and melt them together into a super fun sassy choreography. We will also be learning some exercises to strengthen the mind muscle connection and improve isolation technique.
  • Workshop #2: Dance of the Ocean

  • In this class, we will be inspired by the Element of water. We will learn and create a dance of the Oceans based on different expressions and archetypes of Water. We will dive deep and connect with our inner Mermaid.