Thank you for your interest in volunteering with SHIFT Festival!
This event runs on volunteer spirit. We love our volliez and this event could not happen without you.
Please read this whole page to understand how our volunteer program works.
**Please Note: All Volunteers must purchase a ticket**
How to Sign Up :
- Read about our Vollie Policy (below)
- Read about The Departments
- Fill out our Volunteer Interest Survey when it goes live on 4/18
- Once you are added to the appropriate departments from your survey, log into your volcor account and sign up for shifts! Vollie shifts go live on 5/14
How it works:
- Purchase a ticket once they go on sale.
- Fill out the Volunteer Interest Survey. Indicate departments you’re interested in. Sign up soon for your first choice, as departments may fill up!
- Once you have been sorted into your departments by our Volunteer Coordinator, you will be contacted with information on how to sign up for shifts in the Volcor system. Filling out the Volunteer Interest Survey does not sign you up for shifts. You must sign up for shifts in Volcor.
- You can work for multiple departments and share credits across teams. You can sign up for as few or as many shifts as you would like.
- As a Rockstar Vollie, you can receive perks at the event and a partial (or full) reimbursement after the event…. Read more below:
Rockstar Volliez:
To ensure all our volunteer shifts, from pre-festival work parties to post-event LNT, are completely staffed, we have implemented a Rockstar Vollie Policy. This entitles Rockstar Vollies to many perks, including partial ticket reimbursement and meals from Platez during the event.
- Do everything listed above, and…
- Sign Up for 20 (or more!) volunteer credits in Volcor.
- # of hours per shift x shift weight = credits
- Not all shifts have the same weight (For example, while most shifts are 1 hour = 1 credit, others may be 1 hour = 2 credits).
- (You may have noticed that we have increased our credit hours! But this means that some shifts are now worth more, woohoo!)
- Credits can be shared across departments. You may wish to work for Buildz pre-event, do a Grass Guardians shift during the event, and work for LNT post event– and that’s okay!
- Any combination of departments works, as long as you reach 20 or more credits.
- Please ask your department leads to clarify the weight of shifts you are signing up for if it is unclear. For further questions, please contact volunteers@shiftfestival.com
- If you are signed up for 20+ credits before the event, you will be given a special wristband at Gate which allows access to two meals a day and snacks at the Platez kitchen. Bring your own plate and utensils. More details about this will be sent to Rockstar Volliez when it gets closer to the event.
- You may pick up a SHIFT staff shirt at the Command Center during the event (not required to wear during your shifts). How cool is that?!
- After SHIFT, Department Leads will verify that volunteers completed their shifts. Once this verification process is complete, all volunteers who completed their assigned 20 credits will be eligible for a Partial Ticket Reimbursement of $190. This is a flat rate cost regardless of what ticket tier you purchase.
- Rockstar Volliez who choose to work BOTH day of teardown (Monday July 28th and Tuesday July 29th) are eligible for FULL ticket reimbursement.
- Feel a swell of amazing energy because YOU helped put this festival on!
**Please Note Again: All Volunteers Must Purchase a Ticket**
Questions? Please contact Volunteers@shiftfestival.com